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What it is like to Travel with SilkRoad Moments

Writer: Kimberly PeloquinKimberly Peloquin

Wondering what it looks like to travel with SilkRoad Moments? Keep reading. This post will tell you what you can expect when working with SilkRoad Moments from first contact to your last selfie on your trip.

First things first, you see an Instagram or Facebook post, hear about a friend traveling through Turkey, or see our website. However the way you learn about Turkey, it does not matter! You are just excited about traveling through Turkey. You contact us whether by Instagram or Facebook message, email, smoke signals, phone call, or through our website.

You can give us as little or as much information about what you are thinking about your trip. We will reply as soon as we can with a message asking for more information about you, about what you want, the number in your party, and other planning questions.

After we get more details from you and what sites you want to see and places you want to visit, we will plan your trip and send your a proposed itinerary. Once you confirm the proposed itinerary and pay the quote for your trip, we will reserve your hotel, guides, vehicles, and any other aspects of your trip that needs reservations. Do not worry, we only work with the best and high-quality vendors in Turkey.


Current Itineraries with SilkRoad Moments Tourism

Current trip options include the Eastern Anatolia, Winter Moments on Palandoken, Mount Ararat Trek, Mesopotamia, Black Sea, and the Ultimate Eastern Turkey Tour. We can mix and match and customize to fit your travel needs.

Eastern Anatolia

Discover the sights of Eastern Anatolia. This exciting tour boasts sixteen hundred-year-old castles and fortresses, natural mineral springs, intriguing rock fairy chimneys, waterfalls, trekking on Mount Ararat to what is believed to be the sight of Noah's Ark, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ani (City of 1001 Churches), and more!

Winter Moments on Palandoken

The beautiful ski resorts on Palandoken have much to offer both the adventure-loving traveler as well as those who just want to relax and soak in the winter wonderland around them. It is no surprise that they have come up with plenty to entice the littlest travelers as well. These resorts offer snow playgrounds, sledding hills, and skiing and snowboarding lessons so the whole family is sure to enjoy their time on the mountain. Many resorts also offer kids clubs with free childcare, so you can hit the slopes while your kids have fun and warm up inside.

Mount Ararat Trek

Climb the historical and biblical mountain where it is believed that Noah’s Ark came to rest. We are happy to arrange treks on foot or horseback for those who wish to experience the region's awesome, beautiful scenery without the trek to Ararat's summit. There are lesser hills and peaks to see, nomadic people to meet and visit. Please give one month's advance notice for trekking reservations so that we can obtain trekking permits and make hotel reservations.


Discover the civilizations of Mesopotamia. This is where it all began, and the region has been inhabited ever since. Visit the ancient home of the patriarch Abraham, the cave of Job, and Jacob's well. See UNESCO World Heritage sights of Gobekli Tepe, the Diyarbakir Fortress, Hevsel Gardens, and Mount Nemrut. Explore Roman Cities, roads, and cisterns and see palaces and mosques from the Ottoman Empire.

Black Sea

Turkey's Black Sea Coast has something to offer every type of traveler. From beautiful beaches to secluded mountain cabins, historical monasteries, churches, and mosques to busy modern city centers, this area of Turkey is a favorite of all who visit. Cut tea leaves and pick some hazelnuts among the vast farms and dramatic green landscapes of Ordu and Rize. See waterfalls and castles in Trabzon and Artvin. Wake up above the clouds in a high mountain village and indulge in a famous Black Sea breakfast. It's hard to summarize a trip so packed full of history, culture, and natural beauty!

Ultimate Eastern Turkey

From the Black Sea Coast of Turkey the Eastern Anatolia, down to Northern Mesopotamia, this tour covers it all! We created this tour to offer those who want to see the best of the best in the area an opportunity to do so in one go! The highlights of all of our other Eastern Turkey Tours are included here packed into one jaw-dropping itinerary. Incredible Ancient temples at Gobekli Tepe predating Stonehenge, beautiful landscapes and natural wonders, Roman Ruins, Ottoman Palaces -- you name it, you'll find it in Eastern Turkey! This is an absolutely amazing once-in-a-lifetime tour.


Quickly after we get all of your reservations scheduled, we will send you a planning email with more in-depth information about your itinerary, what to pack, and other things you need to plan and prepare for your trip.

About four weeks out from your trip, we will send a follow-up email. This email will recap previous information sent and include the website from where to obtain your Turkish tourist visa. It is an easy and quick process! Please be sure to use the link included in that email. Many third-party vendors try to scam tourists into purchasing a visa from their websites. These website visas will not work once you get to customs or they will price-gouge the visa price.

About two weeks out from your trip, we will send a second follow-up email. This email will include all of the previous information and remind you that you need to get your visa ASAP. It will also include information on how to tag SilkRoad Moments on all of your adventures and travels through Turkey. We would LOVE it if you would take the SilkRoad Moments family along with your travels and give us a social media perspective of all the amazing things that you experience.

You will then board a plane and arrive in Turkey. You do not need to worry! We will have someone meet you at the airport and take you to your hotel. Your guide will take you everywhere on your itinerary. You do not need to worry! You do not need to stress about any aspect of your trip. Your guide will be with you every step of the way.

After your trip, we will send you a follow-up email to ask you how it went! We know that you will have a great trip and that you’ll be counting down the days until you can return on another trip to this magical country.



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