It happened to me.
I thought I was stronger, more experienced. I thought I could handle it. This was not my first trip around the globe.
Then it happened.
My stomach gurgled and I felt horrible.
That morning we had milked cows in a quaint village with a 100 year old Greek woman. The barn that shared a yard with her home was bigger than her tiny brick house. She offered the fresh, thick, warm milk and freshly grilled chicken as our guides learned more about her life. It was an amazing experience.
Until we returned to the hotel.
I did not know where to get medicines. I did not know the translations for the specific types of medicines I needed. It made for a difficult night.
Let me help you navigate the pharmacy and medicine situation while traveling in Turkey.
**We aren't doctors and this is not medical advice. This is just our experience!**
Beginner's Guide to Pharmacies in Turkey
1. Where to go?
In Turkey, pharmacies are called Eczanes. You can find them by looking for a red E on a white field surrounded by a red box.

Most markets, grocery stores, and supermarkets do not have medicines or first aid supplies. So head to a pharmacy to get any over the counter medicines or supplies.
2. Insurance
Most medicines in Turkey are relatively inexpensive. We suggest that you purchase your medicine, get a receipt, and then submit it to your insurance when you return home. To ask for a detailed receipt, say,
"Makbuz alabilir miyim?"
The pronunciation is mak-buz ala bil ir me yim.
3. Bring your daily medicines
If you have a regimen of daily medicines that you take, bring those with you on your trip.
4. Drug Names
There is nothing worse than promptly and urgently needing a medicine for traveler's diarrhea and not knowing what to get at the store. Let us help you with a few translations.
For a Tylenol medicine substitute, ask for Parol at the pharmacy. You can check the mg to compare it to what you normally take. Extra Strength Tylenol is 500 mg per pill. The Tylenol website suggests 2 500mg pills as a dose.
For an Ibuprofen substitute, ask for Nurofen. Ibuprofen typically comes in 200 mg pills. The usual dosage is 200 - 400 mg as needed according to Drugs.com.
For a Pepto Bismal substitute or something to use for traveler's diarrhea, ask for Reflor. According to Healthline.com, the caplet dose is 262 mg every 30-60 minutes as needed with a maximum of 4,100 mg within a 24 hour period.
If you need something for motion sickness, you can ask for a get well Nausea Band (kusma ve bulanti) at select pharmacies. If you know you will need something for motion sickness, you should consider packing a solution in your luggage.
Claritin is available at select pharmacies.

Quick Guide at a Glance:
For Tylenol ask for Parol
For Ibuprofen ask for Nurofen
For traveler's diarrhea ask for Reflor
For motion sickness or nausea ask for a Get well motion sickness band
Claritin is available